Here you can search for your church depending on your specs: Most of these options will be available through pull down bars and checks.
city: St. Louis, Springfield mo, Phoenix, Kansas City
location: (St. Louis): not important, North County, North City, South City, West County, South County, Mid County
denomination: not important, African Methodist Episcopal, Apostolic, Assemblies of God, Baptist, Southern Baptist, Bible, Catholic, Charismatic, Christian, Disciples of Christ, Church of Christ, Church of God, Church of God in Christ, Church of the Nazerine, Episcopal, Interdenominational, Lutheran, Methodist United, Nondenominational, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Adventist, Vineyard
size: not important, small, medium, large
worship/music style: not important, rock, gospel choir, piano led, organ led, acoustic guitar (folk), country
congregation mostly: not important, young families, average families, older, youth, young adult
activities: not important, Sunday school for children, for adults, small group sharings, bible study, youth group, prayer meeting, community services, day care, education, gym, retreats, choir, singles group, college group.